From Sound to Silence
Emotional Relaxation – Guided Meditation with Music
Isabella Elisabeth Rottensteiner and Wolfsheart invite you to a soulful journey with guided meditation and the sound of the native indian flute.
Open your mind for this new experience:
The native american flutes will be your companion for a guided meditation, realised by Isabella Elisabeth Rottensteiner, specialist for kinesiology and an certified energetician.
This interaction will restore the concentration on your inner self – for a peaceful feeling, tranquillity and a clear consciousness.
The increasing dynamic of the music also brings a special vibration to the body, making the functions more vital and vivid. Imagine sitting with your eyes closed, your body still, your awareness heightened as you follow simple, gentle, meditation instruction. And then, as you take a breath, music performed by Wolfsheart fills your focus.
Enjoy a communal music meditation experience
Breathe in sound and silence through guided meditation and be part of the journey for a new perspective.
No prior experience with meditation necessary.
Meditation Journey
The clear, pure air of the salt cave, a true oasis of peace, is perfect for the words of the guided meditation by Isabella Elisabeth Rottensteiner, which will take you on a wonderful journey of deep relaxation for 90 minutes. In the midst of shimmering salt crystals, Wolfsheart will enchant you with the velvety sounds of traditional Indian flutes and the tonguedrum, in which the sound is generated by the oscillation/vibration of the instrument body itself.
In this unique energy and the mineral-rich air, meditations and floating flute sounds will lead you into your innermost being. The salt particles in the salt cave are used to additionally cleanse the lungs during meditation.
Next appointment::
19. April 2024 19:00
Salzpalast Wien
Dauer ca. 90 min.
Preis 39.- Euro pro Person
Anmeldungen unter Tel.: 0043-676-3519207
oder Salzgrotte Wien – SALZPALAST
Albertgasse 26
1080 Wien
Bitte denke an bequeme Kleidung, Socken, eventuell ein eigenes Kissen (optional).